Our parent townhall was held July 28th. The presentation will be posted soon. You can find it by clicking the "Forms, Documents & Resources" link under "Quicklinks" on this page.
Nuestra reunión pública comunitaria de Pomeroy pasó el 28 de Julio. La presentación se publicará pronto. Puede encontrarlo oprimiendo el enlace "Forms, Documents & Resources" en esta pagina "Quicklinks"
For more information regarding registration for Pomeroy Elementary School or any school in Santa Clara Unified School District, please see the Registration page under the "About" tab at the top of our website.
Silver level schools must meet all the characteristics of Bronze level schools and implement with a higher level of fidelity. These schools can produce evidence of advanced tiers of PBIS implementation as a result of data-based decision making
Pomeroy School serves students in grades TK-5. It is a beautifully maintained 60 year-old campus with lush green lawns and many mature pine and elm trees. Pomeroy School is one of 17 elementary schools in the Santa Clara Unified School District. The diverse population of students, along with a staff of highly qualified teachers, creates an environment that is pleasant and rewarding for students and staff alike.